What is executive function coaching?
Executive Function Coaching offers children and adults with learning disabilities and other learning differences a wide range of intensive, individualized interventions designed to remediate learning challenges and build resilience.
What does an executive function coaching session look like?
Below are ideas/topics/activities that can be addressed or worked on with a student during your session. We recommended creating a consistent structure using some of the categories below to address the range of needs that may arise for an EF coaching client:
Informal check-in / Clear The Deck (Meet and Greet): Take 3 to 5 minutes to ask the student how they are, how things are going, and what activities/hobbies/interests/events have they been up to since you last met. Take some time to celebrate/praise any wins or milestones that the student may have achieved. This time and topic is best used to build rapport and strengthen the client to specialist relationship. Another strategy is to “clear the deck.” To clear the deck, ask the student, “is there anything you would like to discuss before we begin working on identifying any key assignments or tasks to work toward your goals?”
Progress updates: What has been going well since the last time we met? What has been challenging since the last time we met? Anything new to report since our last session? Have you been using the tools/strategies we discussed in our last session? How do you feel it’s been working? Do any changes need to be made?
Login to student portal to check assignments and grades: Have the student share their screen and walk you through the week’s assignments as they write them down or add them to their calendar of choice. Discuss due dates and how to prioritize the new assignments, and check for any missing assignments. Repeat the same process for grades.
Email teachers: If the student is unclear about an assignment or is questioning a grade for accuracy, walk them through the process of sending an email to their teacher (use this opportunity to discuss self-advocacy and how to properly write an email). You can utilize the communication support templates from this page, if desired.
Work on assignments together: If the student needs academic support for completing a homework assignment, work on it together while they share their screen with you. If it is finished, ensure that the student successfully submits it.
Discuss avoidance strategies: If the student has been procrastinating getting their tasks done, suggest some solutions. For example: create project-specific to-do lists, self-monitoring (why do I keep avoiding this task?), rethink and prioritize your tasks, plan out the steps needed to complete the tasks, reward systems for successfully completing pieces of work, use phone alarms to initiate tasks, work on tasks in shorter intervals of time rather than one long chunk of time.
Discuss effective communication strategies: Some students have difficulty self-advocating and knowing how and when to communicate effectively. You can discuss how communication is an essential part of being successful in everyday life and how it is important to be mindful of the ways we are communicating with those around us. Effective communication skills to talk about: active listening, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and written communication.
Plan ahead: Make sure that the student can identify and explain what they need to work on until your next session together. This can include updating their Google Calendar (or tracking system of choice) and setting up phone alarms as reminders to initiate tasks within the next few days.
Study Strategies and Tips: Ask the student about their study habits and discuss how they can improve on them.
Closure/Wrap Up: Take 3-5 minutes to end your session by having the student summarize what you discussed and worked in your executive function coaching session. Have the student tell you in their own words their to-do list tasks and their plan for managing their time effectively to get them done.
Ask: Did you find our time together helpful? How will you implement the tools/strategies we discussed today? What questions do you have?
Who needs an executive function coach?
Our clients typically range from middle school to adulthood. Most clients present with some symptoms of ADHD that are causing personal, academic, or professional challenges over an extended period of time. These may include an inability to break large goals into smaller tasks, difficulties in communicating effectively with adults or colleagues, and more.
Whether the client needs targeted instruction in a specific learning area or an overall strategy for managing school challenges, we will provide appropriately scaffolded activities to support growth.
Some activities that we will coach students through are:
Self-Advocacy and Negotiation With School Staff Regarding Assignments And Deadlines
Identifying Missing Work And Prioritizing A Plan of Action
Chunking Assignments Into Manageable Sections
Adult learners with ADHD may need specific support in resolving an issue, improving a specific skill, or setting goals and following through. Some activities that we will coach adult learners through are:
Enrollment In College or Technical Schooling
Assisting With Applications
Applying For Jobs
Developing A Calendar And Using Reminders
Creating A Budget
Spelling Remediation
Transition Coaching clients may need support with making the leap into adulthood or navigating career changes. Some areas of support that we can provide are:
Identifying A Suitable Major Or Career
Managing University Coursework
Balancing College And Career Demands With Mental Health Needs
What makes EF Specialists approach to Executive Function Coaching unique?
At EF Specialists, we understand the power of individualized instruction, progress monitoring and team coordination to support your student in reaching their IEP goals. Through a combination of solution-focused questioning, the cultivation of resource-based thinking and reverse engineering, we will help your family chart a pathway to reaching your academic, social-emotional and transition goals, while supporting the development of the skills and habits necessary to remain successful when your student arrives at the ideal destination.
Our approach to Executive Function Coaching demystifies learning differences and stimulates clients’ awareness of their strengths so they can use those strengths to their best advantage to overcome or compensate for areas of weakness.
Our team of professionals create and implement a treatment plan that utilizes information from a variety of sources including the client’s social, emotional, psychoeducational, and neuropsychological profiles.
Learn more about our approach by reviewing our Frequently asked questions, below:
Who are AET Educational Therapists?AET-qualified Educational Therapists have met high educational, philosophical, and ethical standards to support their clients. AET Associate Educational Therapist members are highly trained professionals, with graduate- level degrees and documented educational backgrounds in special education, educational assessment, and the philosophy and practice of educational therapy. AET Educational Therapist/Professionals (ET/Ps) have completed additional supervised hours with a Board Certified Educational Therapist and have logged at least 1500 hours of direct service with clients. AET Board Certified Educational Therapists (BCETs) have reached the highest level of professional qualification by completing a Master’s Degree in a field related to educational therapy and meeting additional requirements including submitting a comprehensive case study and passing a best practices exam.
Who benefits from the support of an AET Educational Therapist?Adults, adolescents, and children with learning differences who need personalized intervention plans and one-on-one support to remediate deficits and promote strengths and abilities. • Students and employees with executive function challenges who need assistance to take control of their time management, thinking strategies, memory, and organization. • Learners who have given up the hope to learn. • Bright students who are not thriving at school. • Parents who want to learn how to support their children. • Allied Professionals who need to understand the learner’s perspective. • Pediatricians who need a better understanding of learning differences.
Who do Educational Therapists collaborate with?AET Educational Therapists work closely with Allied Professionals such as psychologists, diagnosticians, pediatricians, educators, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and other professionals to provide comprehensive support to their shared clients.
How do I find an Educational Therapist?You can visit our team page to learn more about the Educational Therapists on our staff or you can find trusted, trained, and professional AET Educational Therapists may be found by accessing the Find an ET resource at AETonline.org.
What is the difference between an Educational Therapist and a tutor?While a tutor generally focuses on teaching specific subject matter, an educational therapist’s focus is broader. Educational therapists work as a team with parents, teachers, and other professionals to set goals and develop an intervention plan that addresses not only academic difficulties, but also psycho-educational and socio-emotional aspects of life-long learning through an eclectic combination of individualized intervention strategies.